
Gratitude 感謝

Dear God, thank you for my perfect life.

親愛的上帝, 感謝你賜予我完美的生命.

Dear God, thank you for merging with me

親愛的上帝, 感謝你與我合一.
Dear God, thank you for my perfect FREEDOM.

親愛的上帝, 感謝你賜予我完美的自由.
Divine Love, thank you for being Perfect.

天愛, 感謝你的完美.
Divine Love, thank you for expressing Perfection.

天愛, 感謝你所表達的完美.
Divine Love, thank you for my freedom.

天愛, 感謝你賜予我自由.
Dear Father, thank you for

helping me to demonstrate your Perfection in all ways and always.

親愛的上帝, 感謝你幫助我永遠都能在所有方面展現你的完美.

